Monday, May 10, 2010



She made a gurrr sound and said: "...My hair is my glory!" as if she was charging someone. :) Soft.


Blissful. lovely.


Beautiful. The color white is one of my favorites. I think it's beautiful. It represents purity and cleaness. Brides always wear white, even if they're not pure or clean. I think it's beautiful to see a bride that has white robes of righteousness on the inside and then represents that on the outside. I wore a white robe to get baptized. The Holy Spirit is represented by a white dove. Isn't it so fun to see crisp white sheets on the line flowing in the spring breeze? The first white snowfall takes just takes your breath away. White vanilla ice cream in the heat of the summer is simply happy.White whipped cream on top of anything makes it better. White is my favorite color to wear right now. Totally white outfits or white with a bright spring color. I dream of creating a totally white room. White is light. It seems to glow. I want my heart to be white. I want my life to represent the beauty and purity of white. I want to glow in brightness like the color white.

....Though our sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. (If you know the reference, let me in on it! :))

Deborah Isabel.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I don't know if you remember me, but I met you at the ATI conference in Nashville last year.
    I found your blog on accident-but I'm glad I did.
    Because you gave me your email at the conference and I was going to email you,but I lost it when I was organizing my desk!

    If you would like, I also have a blog. The link is on my profile.

    Your pictures are so pretty!
