Let me introduce to you the people who kept smiles on our faces while Father was across the waters in Kenya Africa! My dear aunts Linda, Martha, and Marlene, from whom much inspiration comes to me. My Mother's sisters they are. They also brought along they're boys and one little girl. We had a most splendid time...
Pregnant aunt Marlene and organic aunt Martha and I...":)
Here they are by age...Linda, Mother, Martha, and Marlene. In this picture they are missing their big brother Dave who would stand before Linda. He remained in Ohio.
They are SO interesting! :) Linda has six children. All but one stayed back to hold down the fort. In her family are my close cousins whom I hope can come next time! Martha was kind of the tom boy of the sisters, but has so many exciting "natural, organic" endeavors in her life. (It's amazing how much we talk about health, thriftiness,the danger of thriftiness, etc. when they're around. :)) She a charm and I love learning from her.Her and her husband Mike have three boys and we tell her that anyone as healthy as her should have another baby. :) Marlene is the baby of the family and lives in a cute little house with her husband Jason and one year old son Benjiman Michael.
The boys kept it all very lively and interesting. Here are my three brothers and Martha's three boys , together they make an interesting combination! :)
Here are all the cousins that were down,(minus Benjamin, he opted for mommy vs. pictures.)
And here is us trying to have Benjimen in the pictures, much agianst his will. :)
An example of how interestingthey are;here's Martha doing her stretches before our walk.She usally runs at home, daily.
and then we did a spa,Boys and all...they sure enjoyed it.
th only thing we worked hard for was to eat fun foods...
a Quiet "High Tea"...
with fresh whole grain Gingerbread Biscotti...
the last morning we had Crepes,and the boys enjoyed creating their Masterpieces!
toasting to "Carolina Cousin Time"...
Mom's Nutty Creation out of a flopped Crepe...
Little Cousins preferred Scrambled eggs and Bacon.It twas a jolly good time which we thank our Heavenly Father for.
cute! luv all the pics!